Hola a todos!
Hace varios días que vi las reglas del próximo torneo que estará realizando la GW en parejas y me ha llamado mucho la atención, tanto que voy a hacer esta entrada un poco larga para ver algunos puntos con un poco más de aumento! XD
De antemano me disculpo porque no voy a traducir las reglas! Je Je Je XP
Army Selection:
• Each Force may not use its allies special rules or wargear (locator beacons, marker lights etc).
• A Force describes the models under one player’s control.
• An Army describes the combined forces of the two players.
• Each player must bring a 875 point Force (this combines with their partner’s to form a 1750 point Army) from the most recently published version of their chosen Codex, or White Dwarf Official Update.
• The Army as a whole must adhere to the Standard Force Organisation Chart found on page 87 of the Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook with the following additions:
• Each player’s 875 point Force must contain 1 HQ choice and 1 Troop choice from their respective Codex.
• The remaining slots from the Force Organisation Chart can then be used by either Force.
• The Army may not have duplicate special characters.
En su primera sección encontramos algo muy interesante, lo cual fomenta el trabajo en equipo e impide los combos super montados! Como? Detengámonos en el Cuadro de Organización de Ejército:
La regla indica que todo el armada debe adecuarse a una sola tabla de organización, condicionando a cada fuerza para que mínimo tenga un cuartel general y una tropa, osea: 2 CG y 2 Tropas mínimo por armada. Pero lo más importante es que todo el resto de casillas deben ser repartidas entre ambos jugadores; osea: que cada equipo deberá armar su lista al unísono sacando el mayor provecho de su codex!
No veríamos una alianza de caballeros grises con 6 psiflemen!!! je je je!!!
Esta restricción es demasiado interesante porque hace competitivo el juego a un groso modo de que elimina las listas super spam y en definitiva hace pensar a ambos miembros del equipo!!!
Una cosa que me llama la atención es que no se permite que las fuerzas puedan utilizar sus equipos, no es algo raro o imprudente, pero que pasa con las linternas en un combate nocturno?
Luego tenemos las misiones, que a mi parecer es un pequeño adelanto de lo que podemos apreciar en la futura 6ta edición:
1: Recover the Artefacts / Recuperar los artefactos
Mission: Seize Ground (5 objectives)
Deployment: Spearhead
Additions: As each objective is secured by a scoring unit only roll a dice, on a D6 roll of 6 the objective turns out to be a treasured artefact and is now worth two points to which ever team holds it at the end of the game. On any other roll the objective is worth one point.
Esta misión es la típica de capturar objetivos, pero mejorada! Tenemos entonces que cada objetivo puede ser rescatado solo por unidades que puntúan, pero dicho objetivo una vez develado puede ser un objeto muy valioso sacando 6 en un 6D cuando es rescatado.
Luego tenemos las misiones, que a mi parecer es un pequeño adelanto de lo que podemos apreciar en la futura 6ta edición:
1: Recover the Artefacts / Recuperar los artefactos
Mission: Seize Ground (5 objectives)
Deployment: Spearhead
Additions: As each objective is secured by a scoring unit only roll a dice, on a D6 roll of 6 the objective turns out to be a treasured artefact and is now worth two points to which ever team holds it at the end of the game. On any other roll the objective is worth one point.
Esta misión es la típica de capturar objetivos, pero mejorada! Tenemos entonces que cada objetivo puede ser rescatado solo por unidades que puntúan, pero dicho objetivo una vez develado puede ser un objeto muy valioso sacando 6 en un 6D cuando es rescatado.
Esta pequeña modificación a los tesoros da un aire de cambio a la partida, porque un objeto valioso puede dar la victoria.
2: Misdirection / Confusión
Mission: Capture and Control
Deployment: Dawn of War
Additions: Each team sets up two objectives. One of the objectives for each team is a decoy which is worth no points to either side; the other is the actual objective. (Make a note in secret which is which once the objectives have been deployed, so that you can show your opponent when they capture one of your objectives) The decoy is revealed once it has been ‘captured’ by any enemy scoring units, or the actual objective has been ‘captured’ by an enemy scoring unit. The decoy marker is then removed from play.
Ok. una misión simple no? Pues NO, si consultas en la web cual es la misión más difícil de ganar? dirán que es Capturar y Controlar, es más, es la misión en que más empates tácticos se dan!!! Agregando el factor del objetivo señuelo, tenemos una misión de un alto análisis táctico y suerte!
Consideremos el despliegue! Tenemos dos objetivos "el real" y "el señuelo", qué tenemos que hacer? colocar mínimo una unidad que puntúa por objetivo para no levantar sospecha de cual es el real, sino utilizar la psicología inversa! Ven, no es tan siple! je je je XD
3: Pillage / Saqueo
Mission: Pillage
Deployment: Set up 5 objectives before either side rolls for their deployment area. (Roll off and the winning team gets to set the first objective) These objectives cannot be within 12” of another objective or a table edge.
Split the tale into four quarters and roll off. The team who rolls highest chooses to go first or second, the team going first picks the quarter they will deploy in. The opposing team deploys in the opposite table quarter. Each team must deploy at least two Troops and one HQ unit in their deployment area. Any units not placed on the board are counted as in reserve.
Additions: Each team collects one point at the end of their opponent’s turn for each objective marker that has any of their units touching it (not just scoring units), as long as the unit is neither falling back or engaged in close combat. Note that you collect the points in your opponents rather than your own. The team with the most amount of points at the end is the winner.
Tenemos con esta misión una buena variable: Actuar para ganar en el turno enemigo! Para poder acumular tesoros (puntos) una unidad cualquiera debe estar en contacto con un objetivo (1 punto por objetivo) solo que estos puntos se pueden ganar hasta finalizar el turno enemigo, representando así un saqueo en las narices del contrincante!!!! Muy buena!
4: Cleanse / Limpieza
Mission: Cleanse
Deployment: Spearhead
Additions: To win the game each Army must attempt to capture board quarters. This is achieved by having a quarter occupied by any of your Armies units and no enemy units at the end of the game. Units can only claim, or contest, one board quarter and each board quarter is worth one point, so standing in the middle of the board will not give you four points! However, if a unit is in more than one quarter then the quarter with the majority of models from that unit in will be the one that counts. If the divide is too close to tell then roll a dice to determine the quarter. A vehicle can only hold or contest a quarter if it is not immobilised or destroyed.
Misión típica de las partidas con el Sistema NOVA, aplicando la restricción a que una unidad solo puede participar en 1 solo cuadrante!!!
5: A Matter of Honour / Una cuestión de honor
Mission: Annihilation
Deployment: Pitched Battle
Additions: In addition to the kill points caused by killing regular units, each of the enemies HQ choices including any retinues or body guard units are worth an additional point if killed in close combat.
No hay mucho que decir de esta misión!, pero si cada jugador debe elegir y jugar bien su CG, porque valen lo que merecen!
Lo más importante para mí de este torneo no son las misiones bases, sino la adhesión de las misiones secundarias, que en definitiva les da sabor al juego!
The Secondary Missions:
Upon registration each team will receive a deck of twelve Secondary Mission cards which they use for each game and will win them bonus Battle Points should they accomplish them. At the start of each game, once all forces have been deployed, but before play starts, each player selects a mission from three of the mission sections (Recon, Ordinance, Assault, Vehicles, Stratagem & No Matter the Odds – these will be clear in the deck) Then get your opponent to draw you one each from these three. Once all players have their Secondary Missions all players may check which mission they have. Players may reveal the mission at any point during the game, it’s their choice. Some missions must be completed by an Army, others by a Force – this is detailed on the cards.
The Secondary Mission titles are:
Drop Sequence initiated
Move, Move, MOVE!
Fire for Effect
Weapons Free
Fix Bayonets
To the death
Armoured Column
Tank Hunter
Take and Hold
No Matter the Odds:
Saga of the beast slayer
Legion of One
Me gusta mucho el mecanismo de las cartas!!! y más aún su secretismo! Veamos, a cada equipo se le otorga un maso de 12 cartas las, cuales están divididas en 6 clases diferentes!
Asi que les encargo a todos aquellos RUMOBLOGGEROS a investigar o a averiguar cuales son estas misiones!!!
Alliance Matrix
Brothers in Arms Benefit – One non-vehicle unit per Force can select one universal special rule from the list below; this rule cannot be taken on a unit that already has it and must be written on the army list for the unit prior to the event.
• Counter-Attack
• Move Through Cover
• Night Vision / Acute Senses
• Preferred Enemy (must select a codex to be a preferred enemy prior to the event and write it on the army list next to the relevant unit)
• Skilled Rider
• Stealth
• Stubborn
Unholy Alliance Penalty – At the start of the first game turn the Army with the Unholy Alliance rolls a D6 for each of their units. On the roll of a 1, the unit is shaken by the presence of their ‘allies’. Non-Vehicle units count as going to ground and vehicles count as Crew Shaken. (Note: this still applies if the vehicle could not normally be shaken)
Me encanta el beneficio que les dan a las alianzas de hermanos en batalla!!! Me gustaría ver Berzerkers con Contra-Ataque!
Teams receive 5 Battle Points for a win, 3 for a draw and 1 for a loss. Additionally, each Secondary Mission accomplished is worth a bonus point. The team with the most points at the end of the weekend will be declared the winners. In the event of a tie, the winning team will be the ones who have completed the most Captain level Secondary Missions – so choose them wisely! If there is still a draw, the team with the most Favourite Game votes will be declared the winner!
Mission: Pillage
Deployment: Set up 5 objectives before either side rolls for their deployment area. (Roll off and the winning team gets to set the first objective) These objectives cannot be within 12” of another objective or a table edge.
Split the tale into four quarters and roll off. The team who rolls highest chooses to go first or second, the team going first picks the quarter they will deploy in. The opposing team deploys in the opposite table quarter. Each team must deploy at least two Troops and one HQ unit in their deployment area. Any units not placed on the board are counted as in reserve.
Additions: Each team collects one point at the end of their opponent’s turn for each objective marker that has any of their units touching it (not just scoring units), as long as the unit is neither falling back or engaged in close combat. Note that you collect the points in your opponents rather than your own. The team with the most amount of points at the end is the winner.
Tenemos con esta misión una buena variable: Actuar para ganar en el turno enemigo! Para poder acumular tesoros (puntos) una unidad cualquiera debe estar en contacto con un objetivo (1 punto por objetivo) solo que estos puntos se pueden ganar hasta finalizar el turno enemigo, representando así un saqueo en las narices del contrincante!!!! Muy buena!
4: Cleanse / Limpieza
Mission: Cleanse
Deployment: Spearhead
Additions: To win the game each Army must attempt to capture board quarters. This is achieved by having a quarter occupied by any of your Armies units and no enemy units at the end of the game. Units can only claim, or contest, one board quarter and each board quarter is worth one point, so standing in the middle of the board will not give you four points! However, if a unit is in more than one quarter then the quarter with the majority of models from that unit in will be the one that counts. If the divide is too close to tell then roll a dice to determine the quarter. A vehicle can only hold or contest a quarter if it is not immobilised or destroyed.
Misión típica de las partidas con el Sistema NOVA, aplicando la restricción a que una unidad solo puede participar en 1 solo cuadrante!!!
5: A Matter of Honour / Una cuestión de honor
Mission: Annihilation
Deployment: Pitched Battle
Additions: In addition to the kill points caused by killing regular units, each of the enemies HQ choices including any retinues or body guard units are worth an additional point if killed in close combat.
No hay mucho que decir de esta misión!, pero si cada jugador debe elegir y jugar bien su CG, porque valen lo que merecen!
Lo más importante para mí de este torneo no son las misiones bases, sino la adhesión de las misiones secundarias, que en definitiva les da sabor al juego!
The Secondary Missions:
Upon registration each team will receive a deck of twelve Secondary Mission cards which they use for each game and will win them bonus Battle Points should they accomplish them. At the start of each game, once all forces have been deployed, but before play starts, each player selects a mission from three of the mission sections (Recon, Ordinance, Assault, Vehicles, Stratagem & No Matter the Odds – these will be clear in the deck) Then get your opponent to draw you one each from these three. Once all players have their Secondary Missions all players may check which mission they have. Players may reveal the mission at any point during the game, it’s their choice. Some missions must be completed by an Army, others by a Force – this is detailed on the cards.
The Secondary Mission titles are:
Drop Sequence initiated
Move, Move, MOVE!
Fire for Effect
Weapons Free
Fix Bayonets
To the death
Armoured Column
Tank Hunter
Take and Hold
No Matter the Odds:
Saga of the beast slayer
Legion of One
Me gusta mucho el mecanismo de las cartas!!! y más aún su secretismo! Veamos, a cada equipo se le otorga un maso de 12 cartas las, cuales están divididas en 6 clases diferentes!
Cada equipo debe de elegir una carta de 3 categorías diferentes después del despliegue, pero antes de que empiece la partida. Esas cartas se eligen en forma secreta pero el enemigo es el que decide retirar al azar una de ellas, las dos cartas restantes les queda al equipo y ellos repartirán cada una si son para ser realizadas por una fuerza o la aran en conjunto si la misión indica que son para la armada!
Este sistema de aleatoriedad me encanta! y me deja intrigado, porque hasta el momento no tenemos información de lo que es cada una de las misiones!

Alliance Matrix
Brothers in Arms Benefit – One non-vehicle unit per Force can select one universal special rule from the list below; this rule cannot be taken on a unit that already has it and must be written on the army list for the unit prior to the event.
• Counter-Attack
• Move Through Cover
• Night Vision / Acute Senses
• Preferred Enemy (must select a codex to be a preferred enemy prior to the event and write it on the army list next to the relevant unit)
• Skilled Rider
• Stealth
• Stubborn
Unholy Alliance Penalty – At the start of the first game turn the Army with the Unholy Alliance rolls a D6 for each of their units. On the roll of a 1, the unit is shaken by the presence of their ‘allies’. Non-Vehicle units count as going to ground and vehicles count as Crew Shaken. (Note: this still applies if the vehicle could not normally be shaken)
Me encanta el beneficio que les dan a las alianzas de hermanos en batalla!!! Me gustaría ver Berzerkers con Contra-Ataque!
Teams receive 5 Battle Points for a win, 3 for a draw and 1 for a loss. Additionally, each Secondary Mission accomplished is worth a bonus point. The team with the most points at the end of the weekend will be declared the winners. In the event of a tie, the winning team will be the ones who have completed the most Captain level Secondary Missions – so choose them wisely! If there is still a draw, the team with the most Favourite Game votes will be declared the winner!
La configuración de este torneo es muy estratégica, hace que cada uno de los jugadores piensen con la cabeza fría la elaboración de la lista!
Sin lugar a dudas tendrás que formar equipo con una armada o codex diferente, porque sino tendrás un ejército normal de 1750 pts con una estrategia más que conocida!
Y lo más importante: LE DA DIVERSION AL JUEGO!
Opiniones? XD
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